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HUKATA eBook Mike Weatherford

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Mankind has been looking for extraterrestrial life for more than 30 years. Professionals spend their entire working life trying to devise ways of contacting other civilizations. Nobody expected them to "just drop in".
-- In the middle of the night.
-- Forty miles from nowhere.
-- In a blizzard.
-- By the gross.

When aliens drop in, it can change your life forever.

Jim Frasier simply set out to rescue a stranger who made a wrong turn heading for a ski holiday. Instead, he finds himself trying to keep 700 aliens from freezing to death. The complications are enormous - these are people he has no common language with, and no common culture. He also has a hard timing believing his eyes that these strange creatures actually exist.

Debbie Fontenot, young, deeply battered by a past she'd like to forget, suddenly finds herself shoved into a series of dilemmas, on a professional level by having to give emergency treatment to people she hardly believes exist., and on a personal level as she's shoved by coincidence into the arms of a loving older man.

And John Tolliver, the sheriff of a small, peaceful mountain county, suddenly finds himself not only the center of a major disaster, but murder, mischief, and a plot to steal half the county.

HUKATA eBook Mike Weatherford

I enjoy reading the work of independent authors. This story has quite a unique take on "first contact" with intelligent life from outer space. Many of the characters are well formed and seem like people I'd like to have over for dinner. The ending leaves a lot of scope for the imagination, regarding how Earth will fit into the Galactic Empire! Fun stuff!

Only three stars because of the roughness of the finished book. I can sympathize with the struggle of trying to deal with the technology of e-publishing. What I can't understand is how an author can put what must be hundreds of hours into writing a book, only to seem satisfied with a final product that has words misspelled, paragraphs that are indifferently separated or indented, and confusing character references (wait, does she have two daughters or three?).

I know: it's indie lit. It is the book equivalent of a garage band. I dig that sound. But this one needs to have the noise-to-signal ratio tweaked a bit more toward the signal side.

Product details

  • File Size 663 KB
  • Print Length 240 pages
  • Publication Date March 26, 2011
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read  HUKATA eBook Mike Weatherford

Tags : HUKATA - Kindle edition by Mike Weatherford. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading HUKATA.,ebook,Mike Weatherford,HUKATA,FICTION Science Fiction Military,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure
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HUKATA eBook Mike Weatherford Reviews

A well-written, fast-paced novel of alien contact. It pulled me in and held my interest. I also did not notice many typos. I'm glad I found this author and plan to buy and read more of his work.
I enjoy reading the work of independent authors. This story has quite a unique take on "first contact" with intelligent life from outer space. Many of the characters are well formed and seem like people I'd like to have over for dinner. The ending leaves a lot of scope for the imagination, regarding how Earth will fit into the Galactic Empire! Fun stuff!

Only three stars because of the roughness of the finished book. I can sympathize with the struggle of trying to deal with the technology of e-publishing. What I can't understand is how an author can put what must be hundreds of hours into writing a book, only to seem satisfied with a final product that has words misspelled, paragraphs that are indifferently separated or indented, and confusing character references (wait, does she have two daughters or three?).

I know it's indie lit. It is the book equivalent of a garage band. I dig that sound. But this one needs to have the noise-to-signal ratio tweaked a bit more toward the signal side.
Ebook PDF  HUKATA eBook Mike Weatherford

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