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The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Download As PDF : The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

Download PDF The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition  edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food  Wine eBooks

David Gillespie lost 40 kg when he cut sugar from his diet. His approach is not about exercising, counting calories or measuring ingredients. He keeps it plain and simple eat what you like, when you like, but don't eat sugar. You'll learn how to

* withdraw from a substance that is as addictive as nicotine or caffeine
* eliminate long-term lifestyle habits associated with sugar
* shop for sugar-free products using lists purpose built for UK supermarkets
interpret confusing food labelling (there are at least twelve different names for sugar)
* make a delicious range of sugar-free treats that taste as good as their sugary equivalents from muesli and sauces to ice-cream and biscuits

Based on the latest scientific research, and packed with clear, easy-to-follow advice, The Sweet Poison Quit Plan is one of the most sensible, accessible and sustainable guides to losing weight and improving well-being you're ever likely to read.

Please note This edition of 'Sweet Poison' is a United Kingdom version. For other titles, please search 'David Gillespie' on .

The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks

This book had a great influence on my life. David brought me up-to-date (almost) on medical research into what refined sugar has done to a majority of people in the US now and how it affected me. I began to look at more research after his publication date and the evidence is now even more compelling. I quit (cold turkey) refined sugar on March 8, 2014, lost weight in a straight line down from 182 to 150 when my wife said "enough." At 5'9" its a great weight and I feel super all the time. My cholesterol dropped significantly and so did my blood pressure. I've cut my meds on both problems by one-half and I think I can quit the statin altogether now. I wish more physicians would tell their patients about this, but from what I've seen (limited experience here) they are mostly still in the dark. Quitting sugar completely was the easiest experience with food I've ever had, but - I'm retired, and my better half never liked sweets anyway, and cooking sugarless was relatively easy for us. So what? David has provide through this book and his subsequent ones recipes for sugarholics substituting dextrose (glucose molecules with a water molecule attached to each) for sugar. Those who "cannot give up sugar" thus have a chance to have sweets without the appetite-control harm of fructose. I can't say enough about how well this has worked out for me. I'm 74 and feel fine, and I'm the oldest climber at our local rock climbing gym. And I have David to thank for how I feel and what I am still able to do.

Product details

  • File Size 1699 KB
  • Print Length 272 pages
  • Publisher Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd (December 14, 2012)
  • Publication Date December 14, 2012
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English

Read The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition  edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food  Wine eBooks

Tags : The Sweet Poison Quit Plan (UK Edition) - Kindle edition by David Gillespie. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Sweet Poison Quit Plan (UK Edition).,ebook,David Gillespie,The Sweet Poison Quit Plan (UK Edition),Morton Gillespie Pty Ltd,COOKING Health & Healing Diabetic & Sugar-Free,HEALTH & FITNESS Diets
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The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food Wine eBooks Reviews

Very informative! I need to read this once a month to keep all of this info in my head about how dangerous it really is to eat sugar! I highly recommend!
I don't pay close enough attention when I purchased, so didn't realize I had bought the UK version until some of the unique terms for common items popped up. But I enjoyed figuring out some of them just from the context. The brand lists didn't apply, but it really didn't detract from the important info. I've been off all processed carbs and mostly sugar-free for about 17 months. This gives me better understanding of the types of sugar and how to eliminate totally.
I have read numerous books on different diets but this is the best one ever. David has a great sense of humour and an easy to read style of writing. I did Chemistry to year 12 which helped to understand some of it but he does give good explanations in laymans terms as well as more in depth ones. Every book recommends avoiding processed sugar and processed foods but it wasn't until I read exactly what I was doing to my body by consuming it that I could conquer my sugar addiction. I've been over 4 weeks without sugar and I no longer miss it. The first week was hard but the kids and I got through it. I also bought the quit plan and cookbook and his other book big fat lies which I would highly recommend. You do need alternatives to make the change so the recipe book has been fantastic, I did buy that at the bookstore as I didn't fancy cooking from my kindle. My kids are love the recipes from the book. When they ask for other foods that are full of fructose or vegetable oils all I have to say is that it has the bad sugar (even works on my almost 3 yo) or the toxic oil and they no longer want it.
Loved the lighthearted writing with a serious intent. I have started the fructose, sucrose free lifestyle and am feeling 100% better already. No weight loss yet, but I understand that comes with perseverance. It took me several years to get overweight so I guess it will take as long to regain a sensible weight and hopefully ward off the nasty effects of being a sugarholic!. Excellent read. I have said this about the first book and have the same comments to make only that this one is more a "how to" book than a "research and justify" book.Thanks again David for taking the time to share your findings.
For as long as I can remember (perhaps 4 years of age) I have had problems with being overweight. I have also survived two heart attacks (at 40 and 47), so I have been searching for a way to get healthier for a long time. I tried many different regimens including Dean Ornish's diet plan for 18 months after my first heart attack. I lost weight, but eventually went back to my old ways and gained all of the weight back and more. At my heaviest, I was 306 lbs (at 6'2" tall) and this is when I had my second heart attack. I realized that I could not embark on any temporary "diet" because I would eventually revert back to (bad) form. What I needed was a permanent lifestyle change. In the last several years, I have read a number of books on nutrition related to weight loss and in October 2013, I read "The 100" by Jorge Cruse and started down the path of attempting (though not always succeeding) to limit my carbohydrate intake to 100 sugar calories per day or less, with most of that coming from dry red wine and dark chocolate (>70% cocoa solids). I have largely eliminated both grains and fructose from my diet. I also quit diet pop cold turkey to eliminate the memory of "sweetness". By doing so, I have experienced many positive benefits. In the 15 months since I started, I have lost over 40 pounds and I would say that this has been almost effortless compared to past undertakings. As the author of this book noted, my experience of hunger has changed completely. I no longer go through intense craving cycles daily and I can go for eight or more hours without really needing to eat. I know I am hungry and that it would be nice to eat, but it is not intense and there is no weakness or headache associated with the long period of not eating. I do not shy away from meat and fat, though I am careful not to eat much polyunsaturated vegetable oil and not to eat virtually any trans fat. I also eat a lot of green vegetables and small amounts of fruit, mostly berries and melons. Perhaps the best side-effect is my sense of well-being. I have truly never felt better in my life. The daily dyspepsia I experienced when eating a lot of grains and sugar is a distant memory and my mental acuity is much better. The triglyceride level in my blood is < 50 mg/dl which is excellent and is far more indicative of heart disease risk than total cholesterol ever was. I have found my permanent lifestyle and couldn't be happier. If you would like to read some other eye-opening books, let me suggest "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter, "Fat Chance" by Dr. Robert Lustig, "Wheat Belly" by Dr. William Davis, "The Great Cholesterol Myth" by Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes (or the shorter version called "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It") and "The Big Fat Surprise" by Nina Teicholz. You will be shocked at how little evidence there ever was that low fat and high carb diets were good for you and how much bad science was practiced to foist this myth off on the public for so long. Good luck in your journey. By the way, the only reason I didn't give this book five stars is that I am a scientist and would have preferred a little more technical detail, but from a practical point of view, there is nothing wrong.
This book had a great influence on my life. David brought me up-to-date (almost) on medical research into what refined sugar has done to a majority of people in the US now and how it affected me. I began to look at more research after his publication date and the evidence is now even more compelling. I quit (cold turkey) refined sugar on March 8, 2014, lost weight in a straight line down from 182 to 150 when my wife said "enough." At 5'9" its a great weight and I feel super all the time. My cholesterol dropped significantly and so did my blood pressure. I've cut my meds on both problems by one-half and I think I can quit the statin altogether now. I wish more physicians would tell their patients about this, but from what I've seen (limited experience here) they are mostly still in the dark. Quitting sugar completely was the easiest experience with food I've ever had, but - I'm retired, and my better half never liked sweets anyway, and cooking sugarless was relatively easy for us. So what? David has provide through this book and his subsequent ones recipes for sugarholics substituting dextrose (glucose molecules with a water molecule attached to each) for sugar. Those who "cannot give up sugar" thus have a chance to have sweets without the appetite-control harm of fructose. I can't say enough about how well this has worked out for me. I'm 74 and feel fine, and I'm the oldest climber at our local rock climbing gym. And I have David to thank for how I feel and what I am still able to do.
Ebook PDF The Sweet Poison Quit Plan UK Edition  edition by David Gillespie Cookbooks Food  Wine eBooks

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